The nine perpetrators undermine the men's

The latest research shows that up to 1/5 of young men in the world possesses a low "seed", ie, less than 15 million sperms per ml of semen. This is the reason for about 20% of current infertility and infertility cases.

The perpetrators degrade men's "sperm"

Based on the results of a series of scientific studies, the Superdrug site has created a face-to-face chart of "culprits " that has reduced the number of " breeds" of the eyebrows, so they can take preventive measures suitable.

1. Tight pants or underwear

Picture 1 of The nine perpetrators undermine the men's

When a man is trying to have a baby, he should best replace tight jeans or panties with loose long pants and comfortable shorts. A study found that testicular "fever" stems from wearing tight underwear and pants for 120 consecutive days, leading to a decline in the number of mobile sperm and can survive on the 20th day. and reduce the number of sperm in general by the 34th day. During the study, some men even reduced 100% of the " seed " produced.

The good news is, however, that the study subjects were able to restore sperm count and quality to normal 73 days after skipping on the tight items.

2. Weight

Picture 2 of The nine perpetrators undermine the men's

Another important factor influencing the number of male " breeds " is weight and we can use BMI to assess whether the weight is healthy for each individual. In particular, BMI is calculated as follows BMI = (body weight in kg) / (height x height in meters) . The researchers found that men with BMI> 25 can reduce up to 22% of sperm count as well as decrease semen concentration and mobility of "seed". And the quarter of men with BMI> 35 increased 19 times the risk of having " low " breeds . Similarly, underweight men, with BMI <18.5, also had a 8.6% reduction in semen volume each ejaculation and their breeds tended to decrease mobility.

3. Drinking alcohol and smoking

Picture 3 of The nine perpetrators undermine the men's

According to studies, drinking alcohol and beer undermines the amount, concentration and ratio of normal sperm in men. Meanwhile, smoking harms DNA , leading to sperm mutations . Therefore, reducing the use of alcohol, beer and tobacco will be good for general health as well as the production of "breeds" in men.

4. Products containing PFC

Picture 4 of The nine perpetrators undermine the men's

PFCs are often found in non-stick pots, pans and many other household products . Although their purpose is to prevent dirt and water stains, they also prevent male fertility . PFCs were found to reduce the total amount of sperm produced, especially healthy, normal sperm.

5. Sunscreen

Picture 5 of The nine perpetrators undermine the men's

Applying sunscreen helps protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays, but it does not benefit the gentleman's "breed". Chemicals found in sunscreens such as octinoxate and oxybenzone , can reduce sperm count by up to 33%. The best solution for men is to limit the time spent in the sun and wash sunscreen right after entering the house.

6. Products containing BPA

Picture 6 of The nine perpetrators undermine the men's

Experts recommend that people avoid overexposure to harmful chemicals whenever possible, especially bisphenol A (BPA). BPA is often used to make many popular plastic utensils, such as water bottles or liners of metal food containers. Exposure to high BPA levels negatively affects sperm mobility and function.

7. Sexual abstinence

Picture 7 of The nine perpetrators undermine the men's

Although some people recommend " saving" sperm, but the study found, "abstaining from it" for too long actually can reduce the chance of conception . Healthy men abstaining from " sex" for 11-14 days can reduce up to 24.7% of normal sperm count. Therefore, if you are trying to have children, gentlemen are advised not to "stop loving " more than 10 days.

8. Marijuana

Picture 8 of The nine perpetrators undermine the men's

Studies show that marijuana smoking can affect sperm size and shape, and thus limit the function of "breeds".

9. Mobile phone

Picture 9 of The nine perpetrators undermine the men's

Leaving your phone out of your pocket and storing it elsewhere may increase the fertility of the eyebrow. According to studies, heat or electromagnetic radiation emitted from mobile phones can reduce sperm motility by up to 8.1% and their survival to 9.1%.