4 perpetrators suddenly caused hearing loss

Although age and exposure to loud noise are the most common causes of human loss or loss of sensation in the auditory organ, at times can be a symptom of a disease. other.

Find out the cause of hearing loss

1. Grind your teeth

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Grinding or tightening teeth can cause problems with jaw joints, creating tension on muscles and causing them to hurt. This disease is medically known as the painful function in the jaw (TMJ), which is attacking one-fifth of us at some point.

Often, teeth grinding occurs at night, and you may not know it until you have pain or stiffness the next morning. This bad habit can also cause small noises when you talk or chew, pain or difficulty opening your mouth, severe headaches (especially the first half), earache, tinnitus and sometimes impairment hearing loss in one or both ears, may stem from the contraction of the inner ear muscles.

The problem can often go away on its own. However, according to Professor Andrew Eder, an expert in the field of dentistry, some patients may need to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for a short time or wear a mouth guard at night to divide the work. Upper and lower teeth, soothing the jaw joints and relaxing muscles.

2. Viruses

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A common cold can lead to hearing loss because the sound pathway is blocked, because the buildup of fluid in the Eustachian tube runs from the back of the nose to the middle ear. Children are most likely to suffer from this type of hearing loss, because they narrow the Eustachian tube.

Some viruses, including mumps virus (Cytomegalovirus), zoster disease (Herpes Zoster), viruses that cause influenza and the common cold, can damage the inner ear, lead to hearing loss and sometimes permanent deafness . With mumps virus infection, damage can happen to the fetus if the mother becomes infected during pregnancy.

In the UK alone, up to 6,000 adults suffer from unexplained hearing loss every year - a phenomenon that can occur within a few days, sometimes as a result of an infection. One year after such a sudden loss of hearing, one third of the patients did not recover their hearing, 1/3 fully recovered and the rest only partially recovered some hearing.

Steroid drugs are currently the only treatment to help patients recover their hearing. They may be useful in some cases, if taken within 2 weeks of the effect of suppressing inflammation.

3. Benign tumors

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Blockage of the ear canal due to benign cysts can impair hearing, by preventing sound. Treatment for cancer may also lead to partial or complete hearing loss, as chemotherapy may damage the cochlea or the auditory nerve.

Auditory neuroma - a rare type of brain tumor that forms on a nerve that controls balance and hearing, can cause hearing loss, often in one ear.Symptoms may appear gradually and may also include dizziness or tinnitus, numbness on one side of the face and occasional headaches and visual problems. The cure for this disease is usually surgery, although radiotherapy may also be used.

4. Obesity

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There is growing evidence of an association between obesity and hearing loss . According to a study published in 2013 in the Laryngoscope magazine, compared to normal-weight peers, obese teenagers are more likely to experience hearing loss and double the risk of being lost Ear on one side in front of low frequency sounds, such as trombone.

Researchers surmise, inflammation originating from obesity may contribute to hearing loss.