Antibiotic resistance in Vietnam is increasing with the emergence of several viruses resistant to all drugs.

Misperceptions in the community about antibiotics are helping the actions

Scientists say the drug-resistant virus is now out of the world of hospitals, which are often found.

On June 27, US science officials announced that a second case of antibiotic-resistant viruses was recorded.

Antibiotic resistance is a problem that cannot be solved by single doctors or hospitals.

The milder level of the past was only multidrug-resistant bacteria and wide drug resistance.

For decades, the battle for human survival has been silently happening. And today, a bacterium has developed its ability to resist Colistin.

In 1928, Alexander Fleming, a scientist from Scottland, was experimenting with flu viruses. When he rummaged through the experimental plates full of different bacteria he

Babies born to mothers infected with the H1N1 flu virus during pregnancy face the risk of dying shortly after birth or premature birth, according to the latest study by British

The research team is led by MSc. Tran Thi Hong Kim chaired the first step in creating an antigen-containing yeast strain of the H5N1 virus on the cell surface.