Watching TV, using more computers is more prone to sudden deafness

Recent statistics show that the leading cause of sudden hearing loss is TV watching and computer use for a long time.

Experts explain when watching TV and using computers for a long time, the screen temperature is too high to produce quite a lot of radioactive materials from electric fields, making the air promote ionizing effect, constantly producing positive ions At the same time, neutralizing negative ions in the air, making negative ion content almost become zero.

Picture 1 of Watching TV, using more computers is more prone to sudden deafness

In too many positive ionic environments, through the breathing of the lungs, this ion will follow the circulation of blood to the body tissues, acidifying blood and body fluids, causing normal muscle exchange function. can slow down, toxins accumulate in the body leading to immunity of the human body to decline, insomnia, female hormonal disorders, allergic skin, dry eyes, impaired brain function, tinnitus , dizziness, severe cases also lead to sudden hearing loss.

Experts recommend that people who watch TV and use computers for a long time pay special attention, about an hour should leave the computer for about 15-20 minutes, exercise in an oxygen-rich environment, often wash Face, best option to use liquid crystal display.

In case of hearing loss and hearing loss, the average time to watch TV is about half an hour a day, using computers from about half an hour.

Clinical practice shows that, in the process of treating tinnitus and hearing loss, if watching TV and using computers for a long time, it will affect the effectiveness of treatment, or not get the treatment effect. even more severe tinnitus, hearing loss.

Therefore, the doctor suggested that, during the treatment of tinnitus and deafness, the patient should limit watching TV for about half an hour every day, using the computer for 60 minutes.