Red wine can resist deafness

Moderate intake of red wine or aspirin can prevent deafness and noise-induced hearing loss Picture 1 of Red wine can resist deafness

(Photo: globalpinoy)

certain antibiotics, according to US researchers.

Through research, the University of Michigan scientist Jochen Schacht and colleagues discovered that antioxidants in red wine, green tea and aspirin can help counteract the effects of damaging free radical molecules. For hair cells in the inner ear, help prevent deafness in people who are loud or use strong antibiotics.

They used salicylate to prevent the destruction of hair cells in deaf or hard of hearing patients by gentamicin - a powerful antibiotic commonly used to treat acute and severe ear infections.

'Antioxidants like resveratrol are detected in red wine, green tea or salicylate, an ingredient of aspirin, which helps to neutralize free radical molecules and is thought to be used against some forms of damage. "The ear causes deafness in the ear," Schacht said.