Baby sharks know how to take over, eliminate each other from the womb

Viewers will better understand the survival struggle in the animal world - only the strongest and largest individuals of sharks can survive.

We know that sharks are one of the most terrifying creatures in the animal kingdom.

But few people suspect that sharks will show their strength by taking over each other to gain the right to live in the womb.

This video will help you better understand the annexation, eradicate each other in the womb of sharks.

A video from "Story of Life" - the BBC's scientific documentary program, recorded by English naturalist David Attenborough, recently gave viewers more insight into the struggle to survive in the animal world.

Accordingly, sand tiger sharks (Carcharias Taurus) child eat each other from the womb. With an average body length of 2.5m, sand tiger sharks are distributed throughout the world. We live in the waters near the coast.

Picture 1 of Baby sharks know how to take over, eliminate each other from the womb
Sand tiger sharks (Carcharias Taurus) children eat each other from the womb.

During the reproductive period, females in the sand tiger shark always mate with many males. Pregnancy of sand tiger shark lasts nearly a year.

Initially, the number of embryos in the shark's abdomen is up to 12 - and of course they are the product of many fathers.

Unexpectedly, the number of embryos decreases with time - the largest embryos swallow the remaining embryos.

According to David Attenborough, when embryos are about 10cm in size, ie 4 months old, they have completely developed, functioning teeth and start eating each other. This will ensure that only the strongest and biggest "children" can survive.

And then at the end of pregnancy, only two embryos exist in the womb. Scientists believe that, although cannibalism, this is thought to be the only example of "annexing" individuals to gain right to life when they are still in the womb in the womb .