Each lemon shark is pregnant and can breed from 4 different males. When food sources are scarce, they eat their own species.

Ondatra zibethicus rats have strange abilities that make anyone who cares about them surprised.

A photographer captures a memorable moment when the adult crocodile eats the juvenile and eats it violently.

Dressed in an extremely cute appearance, few would expect these animals to be ruthlessly carnivorous, even their children.

A new study shows that, although a gentle animal, when food and tadpoles are scarce, they will eat their fellow animals.

Nepalese hunters shot and killed a leopard which was the terrors of the people in the area eating more than a dozen people last year in the country's remote western region.

The chimpanzees proved extremely ferocious and bloodthirsty when chasing away those who violated their territory.

Researchers from Mexico, the United States and Spain have recently obtained the first quantitative description of the cannibalistic behavior of Crotalus polystictus after studying

A group of anglers off the coast of Miami, Florida, USA discovered this scene and filmed video.

The big crocodile gripped the smaller crocodile, crawling on the American trail to find a place to eat.