Chimp decimates fellow humans to gain territory

The chimpanzees proved extremely ferocious and bloodthirsty when chasing away those who violated their territory.

Detecting signs of strangers in the territory, chimpanzees immediately conducted a collective patrol. They observed trees and smelled soil to find traces of invaders. After a search and no results, they stopped and listened. Concentration and stress are evident on each child's face. Then the cry of a strange chimpanzee rang. The chimpanzee heads up straight to determine the direction of the cry. He saw those "foreign" who were feeding on nearby trees.

"Landlord" chimpanzees quickly rushed towards the opponent. After loud screams to threaten the invaders, they climbed up the trees to begin the attack. Due to the inferior in number, chimpanzees are guests who do not invite to flee. Most of them escaped but some died. The war took place very quickly. The victors together ate a young chimpanzee who was defeated by them.