Usually new birds nest. But recently, scientists have studied the nesting behavior of apes such as orangutans and chimpanzees in forests of Indonesia and Guinea and West Africa.

Chimpanzee groups in Central Africa have been found to have more genetic diversity than humans living on different continents.

According to the New York Times, the US National Institutes of Health will not fund research using chimpanzees as experiments.

For more than a year now, Dodo chimpanzee in a zoo near Bangkok, Thailand, has given her tiger milk.

Researchers have just published an unprecedented video about the reaction of a chimpanzee community in Zambia to the death of two members of the group.

The report by an international team of scientists said that malaria is now spreading among humans is more likely to come from gorillas, not from chimpanzees.

Also mourning, sad and even carrying the body of the child for weeks, chimpanzees face the death of their fellow humans, relatives like humans.

The chimpanzees proved extremely ferocious and bloodthirsty when chasing away those who violated their territory.

One study found that male chimpanzees often use hunted meat in exchange for a chance to mate with females.

German scientists believe that they have found the secret of chimpanzee's ability to catch the clue.