Bacteria from marine algae - new weapons to prevent cavities effectively

It was a surprising finding by scientists at the University of Newcastle (UK), while they were studying the bacterial strain of marine algae called Bacillus licheniformis to study how to clean the hull.

Picture 1 of Bacteria from marine algae - new weapons to prevent cavities effectively

Picture 2 of Bacteria from marine algae - new weapons to prevent cavities effectively

Although toothpaste is quite effective in cleaning teeth, teeth are still difficult to clean completely, so bacteria accumulating in plaque can erode tooth enamel, causing tooth decay. But Dr. Nicholas Jakubivics of Newcastle University's Department of Dentistry believes that better products that help treat cavities effectively can be prepared from an enzyme isolated from Bacillus licheniformis . Tests show that this enzyme can disintegrate plaque or bacteria on teeth. 'This is an unexpected phenomenon. "This enzyme breaks down and removes the bacteria present on plaque, and it is important that it also works to prevent plaque from forming," said Professor Burgess, who led the study.

From the above positive results, the team wanted to apply its ability to oral hygiene solutions and they plan to partner with dental experts to conduct tests before the release of The product prevents true tooth decay.

Reference: Daily Mail