Bat wings have the ability to heal themselves

Not long ago, bat care workers at a center of the Royal Society for Animal Protection (RSPCA) discovered the bat's ability to self-wing if rested and cared for carefully, while All patching or winging methods are not effective.

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Sarah Goodwin, a Stapeley Grange wildlife conservation officer in Cheshire, who also discovered this miraculous ability of bats, said veterinarians often perform patching or biting of bat wings. when they are torn, punctured, but the patch and stick are easily removed when the bat cleans the wings.

Therefore, she decided to try to take care of the injured bats by keeping them warm, giving them antibiotics and eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Nurses also restrict bats to fly, spending time to rest and recover. As a result, in most cases, bat wings are self-healing.

Picture 1 of Bat wings have the ability to heal themselves
Bat wings are torn (left) - Bat wings are closed without using glue, sewing thread (right)

The result surprised Sarah. Of the nine individuals introduced in the study last year, five were self-healing and were returned to the wild, two died of other wounds. The other two individuals are still being cared for by Sarah, hoping to return them to the wild soon.

On average, it takes about 8 weeks for the wing restoration process to take place. Before going back to nature, bats have been enhanced flight training so that the wings become healthier. Because they have been known to fly before they were injured, they did not lose this skill even if they had to go through a period of treatment at the center.

'The results are very praiseworthy and can be widely applied. There is nothing left by the bats themselves, as we can provide a second chance for those injured bats , 'said Sarah.