Halloween is believed to have existed about 2,000 years ago and associated with this festival are scary symbols such as black cats, bats, witches, lanterns, pumpkins, cauldrons
Many animals, especially those in cold countries, are forced to hibernate to survive the harsh weather. Spring comes, they wake up, and once again have to change their lifestyle.
In addition to the Sun, bats and giraffes, Earth and our bodies also contain shocking facts that you don't know.
Ever since Mary Shelley conceived of Frankenstein, stories of insane scientists doing all kinds of frightening experiments have always been thoroughly exploited by novelists.
The flight to Discovery Ship's International Space Station (ISS) has an additional flight
Goldfish are not as stupid as we thought, camel humps do not contain water, bats are not blind ... The following are interesting questions about animals around us.
The outbreak of Ebola virus has killed at least 63 people in Guinea and Africa.
A new study has found that bats also always incorporate sexual activity with their daily hunting, like the novel 'Batman' (Batman) always attaches to work with the ability to
Not long ago, bat care workers at a center of the Royal Society for Animal Protection (RSPCA) discovered the bat's ability to self-wing if rested and cared for carefully, while All
American scientists have discovered that bats learn to hunt by eavesdropping on information transmitted by ultrasound of the same type.