'Bathe desperately' kills most incoming swimmers

Do you know the world exists in the underwater world? This may sound strange but this lake is even more special.

Picture 1 of 'Bathe desperately' kills most incoming swimmers
Lake water is very salty and contains soluble methane, very toxic to marine organisms.

This is the "Hot Tub of Despair" , the underground lake kills most of the animals that swim in.

Hercules remote control robot records images of this lake. on the expedition of the E / V Nautilus. Saltwater lake is located at a depth of 910m under the Gulf of Mexico. The temperature here is only about 19 degrees Celsius, so the temperature is not a factor that kills animals.

The reason is that the lake water is very salty and contains dissolved, toxic methane to organisms such as bad luck crabs in the video. However, pipe mussels and worms seem to have adapted to the harsh environment here.

The lake is made up of cold spray holes, where hydrocarbons escape from the seabed. Seawater interacts with ancient sediments to create salty, saline water that is denser than seawater so it cannot mix and create this particular type of lake.