Beware of deadly beautiful frogs

Yellow dart frogs, monkey frogs, humpback frogs, striped frogs . are small animals, beautiful colors, but contain deadly toxins.

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Topped by the golden dart frog (Phyllobates terribilis) in Colombia, is the most unique animal on the planet. The poison produced by it can kill 10-20 men, or 2 African male elephants.

Picture 1 of Beware of deadly beautiful frogs
Yellow dart frog

Smaller than a golden dart frog, black-footed dart frog or bicolor dart frog (Phyllobates bicolor) in western Colombia kills people with only 150 micrograms of toxins. Victims of poisoning will have fever, pain, convulsions, respiratory and muscle paralysis, and death.

Kokoe poison frog (Phyllobates aurotaenia) is the smallest poison frog in the poison frog genus. This frog poison can penetrate wounds, pores, cause pain, fever, convulsions and paralysis. Colombian aborigines often use its poison to impregnate hunting arrows.

3-color poison frogs (Epipedobates tricolor) are only shorter than 1/2 inch but their poisons can easily kill predators and humans. The frog is now threatened with extinction in Ecuador because it is being exploited as an epibatadine analgesic with 200 times the power of morphine.

Picture 2 of Beware of deadly beautiful frogs
Frogs have three colors

Next, the black-spotted frog (Ranitomeya variabilis) lives on tropical forests in Ecuador and Peru, with toxins secreting skin that can kill 5 people.

Yellow-backed striped frog (Phyllobates vittatus) is one of the four most exclusive dart frog genus. But containing less toxicity, can cause pain, mild seizures and even paralysis in some cases of poisoning.

The toxic striped dart frog (Phyllobates lugubris) in Central America has a relatively low toxicity of 0-0.8 micrograms but is still capable of causing heart failure in its predators.

Although not as deadly as other dart frogs, Dendrobates Azureus is still a poisonous frog.

Picture 3 of Beware of deadly beautiful frogs
Humpback frog frog

Still belonging to the famous poison dart frog , red dart frog (Oophaga pumilio) can cause swelling and burns for those who are poisoned.

Ranitomeya reticulatus living in Peru has moderate toxicity but can kill animals like chickens, injuring people.

The third largest dart frog with a length of about 2 inches, the poison-colored frog (Dendrobates tinctorius) has many different colors that contain toxins for self-defense. It is used by the tribes to impregnate hunting arrows.

Finally, the giant leaf frog (Phyllomedusa bicolor) , also known as monkey frog, has a mild toxin that causes a feeling of pain, a hangover leading to hallucinations when hit. They are currently in danger of extinction due to some of its toxic ingredients that can be used in the treatment of AIDS and cancer.