Can the frog frog freeze survive?
Warm weather often makes us think of tiny tree frogs and frogs jumping somewhere. But what happens to frogs in winter? If they cannot burrow deep enough in the rock to avoid snow or are not lucky enough to live in warmer weather, they will freeze.
Frogs freeze in the winter, regenerating in the spring
Fortunately, they don't freeze to death. Most survived a mating season.

If the temperature drops below 32 degrees F, the frog will freeze, the stone will begin to form when the rock crystal touches its skin.(Photo: flickr)
There are 5 frost tolerant frogs in North America ; including the well-studied wood frog, Cope gray tree frog, eastern gray tree frog, spring peeper tiny frog, and western choir frog. In autumn, these frogs often buried themselves under the leaves on the forest floor, but not deep enough to help them escape the winter frost.
Frogs are cold-blooded animals, their body temperature usually varies with ambient temperature.If the temperature drops below 32 degrees F, the frog will freeze , the stone will begin to form when the rock crystal touches its skin. Grades of small particles form when temperature decreases.

Spring peeper.(Photo: chms.k12)
But frogs are not turned into an ice lump. A series of events occurred to protect the frozen frog. Just a few minutes after the ice began to form on the skin, the wood of the frog frogs began to transform sugar stored in the form of glycogen into glucose . Glucose released from the liver is transported in the blood to all organs, where it helps protect cells from dehydration and contraction.
When the wooden frog froze, its heart continued to pump protective glucose throughout the body, but the heart eventually slowed down and stopped. All other agencies stop working. The frog didn't use oxygen anymore, it seemed like it was dead. According to Jon Costanzo, a University of Miami (Ohio) physiologist, who is also a real researcher of frost resistance, if you operate a frozen frog, its organs It looks like a piece of dried beef , water frozen around the bodies is like a snow cone.
Researcher Jack Layne and Richard Lee wrote in the article published in Climate Research in 1995: when in the state of fake death, 70% of water in frog body may be frozen . Frogs spend the whole winter in such a state, with cycles of freezing and disintegrating.
The wood frog has the ability to withstand freezing and miraculous rebirth - (Photo: Nature North)
If it's too cold, they will die. Also according to Costanzo, frogs in Ohio can survive at temperatures of 24 degrees F. But frogs living in the north can survive with lower temperatures.
When the weather is warmer, the ice covered on the frogs will melt away. Constanzo said: 'At that time, the frog had to undergo repair . ' When the ice has just melted, the frog may be slightly lethargic. Its body needs to replace damaged cells. However, scientists are not sure what prompted their hearts to bounce back.
They are still investigating this problem with mechanisms to protect frogs in addition to sugar metabolism.Urea - a type of waste that frogs emit from their urine has recently been shown to help frogs survive the freezing phase. Perhaps the proteins clung to both inside and outside the cells to prevent them from contracting too much, according to biochemistry professor Kenneth Story of Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. He is also a researcher of the ability of animals to fight frost.
While humans cannot tolerate frost, Storey asserts that studying frogs' methods can help preserve human organs longer for transplantation.
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