Death from starvation, death from being eaten, death from falling to the crater ... is one of the most painful forms of death for people both physically and mentally.

The road developed nearly 80 years and the remarkable changes of

The first cold-chilled first person, the youngest chilled, the couple marinated ... are the frozen frozen mummies in the world.

Warm weather often makes us think of tiny tree frogs and frogs jumping somewhere. But what happens to frogs in winter? If they can't dig enough deep into the rock

Recently, Chinese media has just posted a video

The $ 500,000 facility in New South Wales will freeze the bodies for those who want to revive in the future.

A two-year-old girl died of brain disease that had frozen her body in the hope that someday she would revive thanks to scientific advances.

In a direction that many consider to be hopeless, leading British scholars are embracing one of life's immutable principles: birth and death.