Why fish can 'revive' after freezing at - 32 degrees Celsius

Many people are surprised by the miraculous "revival" of this fish.

Decode the phenomenon of fish revived after freezing

Recently, Chinese media have posted a " strange " video about a frozen fish at minus 32 degrees Celsius, after returning to the water suddenly revived immediately.

Many people wonder how, how can the fish survive after being completely frozen?

Explaining this, experts say that in the body of fish species in the tropical region, there is a form of anti-freezing protein . This protein is called Antifreeze Protein (AFP).

Picture 1 of Why fish can 'revive' after freezing at - 32 degrees Celsius
The fish was frozen immediately after being released into the refrigerated tank at minus 32 degrees Celsius.

* When the water condition is too low, it will change from solid to liquid (slow freezing point).

Picture 2 of Why fish can 'revive' after freezing at - 32 degrees Celsius
. and "revived" again after being released into the water.

When the organism freezes , the inside of the body will appear frozen. These crystals will cling to the cell, causing the membrane to freeze and then crumble. Consequently, the cell will die. When there are too many dead cells, of course the creature also cannot survive.

However, AFP has the effect of blocking this process. They will cling to ice crystals in the cell, prevent growth, spread, and crystallization of ice to protect cells. At the same time, cytoplasm also becomes thicker, harder to freeze.

Picture 3 of Why fish can 'revive' after freezing at - 32 degrees Celsius
The fish species in the tropics have this protein in their abdomen

When this process takes place, the fish body will temporarily fall into a state of hibernation , reducing metabolism by 90%. Then, just by melting the ice in the cell wall, the cells will revive with very little damage. However, tilapia often do not have this mechanism.

Therefore, Chinese businesses have taken advantage of this protein to use on all their fish. By the above method, frozen fish will become fresher because the cells are not destroyed. In addition, fish can be revived anytime within 2 years of freezing.

Chinese scientists say this is a big step in food storage technology around the world.