Black bear makes 'photographer'

In a forest in the state of Minnesota (USA), a black bear was curious to become a photographer after approaching the camera leg of American photographer Dean Swartz.

Picture 1 of Black bear makes 'photographer'
Close up of a black bear working as a photographer - (Photo: Dean Swartz)

Mr. Swartz came to the above location to take pictures of a black bear family. In the meantime, there is a ' bear ' watching him. About 45 minutes later, the bear decided to take a leisurely step to his camera.

'I stepped back about 3 meters and took another camera to capture the scene of the bear imitating its behavior,' Swartz told The Sun.

The bear's foot hit the camera tripod after 'she' tried to adjust the orientation of the camera lens. Fortunately, Mr. Swartz quickly went to grab an expensive camera before it hit the ground.

According to the Daily Mail, Swartz particularly liked bears and had photographed grizzly bears in Alaska, polar bears in the Arctic Ocean and black bears in Minnesota.