Black-headed bird's ability to withstand cold

It is possible that the winter surviving birds in the North all make us - those who have to rely on heaters and warm blankets must be surprised, but the small black-headed bird may be incredibly incredible. among the species that live through the winter.

Biologist Susan M. Smith, who has a lot of experience in black-headed birds, said: 'The black-headed bird has a wonderful ability to adapt to the winter. From hiding things Picture 1 of Black-headed bird's ability to withstand cold

The little black-headed birds are preparing to overcome the cold winter.(Photo: George H. Harrison)

careful memory, thick and warm fur for winter, especially the choice of overnight stay and the most prominent is the ability to regulate body temperature reduction at night, thus keeping a majority of energy, Significantly increase the chances of survival '.

Smith found that the ability to regulate body temperature actually reduced their body temperature to a manageable extent, dropping to about 12 to 15 degrees Fahren compared to the normal daytime temperature of 108. degree Fahren. The excellent adaptation allows this bird to save nearly 25% of energy consumption in the heat exchange process every hour when the outdoor temperature is cold. The lower the outdoor temperature, the more energy is retained.

Wild eco-house Margaret Clark Brittingham said: 'The black-headed bird is not as shy as everyone thinks'. In about 3 winters in Wisconsin, she followed 576 black-headed birds. She discovered an interesting thing: every winter morning the black-headed bird had to replace the amount of fat they used the night before . The fact that these little birds fought to fight the hunger and cold of the northern winter made her really impressed. And she concluded they were creatures that survived toughly in the face of life's threats.

Picture 2 of Black-headed bird's ability to withstand cold

This bird does not need to depend on food sources but can survive through the winter.( Photo: