Bored because of dehydration, call a mechanic to fix it, then discover the wonders

Sometimes in life, at the time you are most depressed, you will receive a surprise gift, which will make you feel up in the fastest way. Every day of life is an exciting day, and someday, you will also have the luck of your life.

People living in Williamson County, Austin, Texas, USA, learned that there was a "natural wonder" right below their home.

Picture 1 of Bored because of dehydration, call a mechanic to fix it, then discover the wonders
Plumber accidentally discovered the cave below.

Picture 2 of Bored because of dehydration, call a mechanic to fix it, then discover the wonders
The collapsed cave ceiling broke the water pipe, making people without water.

Previously, people were extremely bored with dehydration, they announced the loss of country to the government and the workers were sent to repair, and all were very surprised to discover a long cave. up to 60m below.

Part of the cave ceiling collapsed, causing many families in the area to not have access to water.

The cave is divided into 4 rooms and seems to continue to widen. Everyone was surprised and called it the "natural wonder" of the whole neighborhood.

The cave is said to be formed due to the huge amount of limestone in the area. Currently, temporary equipment is installed around the entrance to the cave while waiting for the architects to check the cave infrastructure to see if it is a danger.