Breakthrough in immunotherapy for cancer cells

In recent years, along with the rapid development of biomedical technology, cellular immunotherapy has been increasingly widely used in the treatment of tumors, and is thought to be the second treatment. post-operative surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Picture 1 of Breakthrough in immunotherapy for cancer cells
Cancer cell. (Illustration)

The Center for Cancer Cell Immunization Treatment of Hospital 307, China, over many years of research and research has solved the thorny problems of cancer cell immunotherapy.

The growth of tassel cells is critical to improving the ability to present antigens.

Scientists have inhibited a key gene in the growth of tassel cells by passing through a small molecule, thereby increasing the cell's ability to present antigenic expression by five times.

The choice and introduction of tumor antigen is a key issue in cancer cell immunotherapy.

Scientists have introduced two broad-spectrum tumor antigens into the cell through a safe and effective transmission device, thereby improving the damage of cancer cells.