Breakthroughs in research on

Young and old, at least in terms of appearance, the dream of humanity can become a reality.

>>>Prepare to have medicine to help you live . 150 years old

A group of French scientists has just succeeded in rejuvenating some cells taken from centenarians.

The group of scientists from the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm), led by Jean-Marc Lemaitre, has just published this scientific work in the American Journal of Genetics and Development .

Picture 1 of Breakthroughs in research on

According to the study, the group was able to ' erase traces of old age' on cells taken in centenarians.

By injecting a mixture of six genes into cell samples considered to have reached the limit of development, scientists have 'made these old cells come back to the youthful state.' researcher Jean-Marc Lemaitre, they changed the nature of the cell.

Initially only 'used' skin cells are intended to create the capabilities of an embryonic stem cell.

In the future, depending on whether the organ or tissue is injected with these six genes, it may be possible to rejuvenate cells, which may be neurons, heart cells, prostate. However, the research team said it is necessary to do more research before experimenting with the "perfect medicine" for humans.

Lemaitre affirmed that, thanks to this technique, people can cure diseases related to aging such as osteoporosis and improve the quality of life for patients.

According to a French expert studying aging biology, he did not agree to be immortal. Scientists' goal is not to slow down death but actually slow down the impact of age. By now, the record of human life expectancy is 122 years old.