Breeding human cartilage in the laboratory

For the first time, scientists have successfully cultured human cartilage in the laboratory thanks to stem cells taken from adipose tissue.

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Picture 1 of Breeding human cartilage in the laboratory
American experts first successfully cultivate functional human cartilage from stem cells - (Photo: Shutterstock)

Experts have previously been able to produce cartilage from animal cells, but the efforts to cultivate cartilage from human stem cells so far are still inferior and weak.

In order to create better quality cartilage, Columbia University expert Sarindr Bhumiratana devised a new approach: forcing stem cells to maintain a 'concentrated state' like the human skeleton developed in cells. pregnancy.

The goal of experts at Columbia University is to reproduce the biological environment and the necessary conditions that allow the model to become natural.

This approach has enabled successful bone and heart tissue regeneration.

And according to a report on the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, cartilage reared in this direction is said to have the necessary functions like cartilage in the body.