Build a tunnel for bears in the United States

The state government in the United States decided to build tunnels below the freeway to minimize collisions between black bears and transport.

Picture 1 of Build a tunnel for bears in the United States
A black bear crossing the street in America. (Photo:

Black bears regularly cross highways in the United States. Many accidents have caused bears to die or be injured. In order to prevent bears from dying due to crossing the freeway, the Georgia state government has announced plans to build six tunnels underneath the 96 freeway, one of the state's arterial roads that regular bears cross, believe.

Jeremy Busby, the project manager for the bear tunnel, said that the Georgia government is buying land adjacent to highway 96 to serve as a tunnel. The original goal was to protect bears in the state's Ocmulgee and Oaky Woods reserves. These are two of the three areas where black bears live.

"We will build a number of fences leading to the tunnel so bears know their location. The tunnels will be placed in places where bears often appear. These are intersections between rivers and streams with roads." , Busby said.

Construction of 6 tunnels is part of the highway 96 upgrade plan. The focus of the upgrade plan is to widen the road.

This is not the first time Georgia state officials have built tunnels for animals. Previously the state government had built many tunnels for the Florida leopard. According to Busby, the tunnel for black bears will be designed exactly like the tunnel for newspapers.