Can carp live 10 years in a tank without feeding?

In modern life, the image of traditional water tanks has gradually become unfamiliar to many people, especially young people living in the city. However, water tanks are indispensable items in the lives of rural people even at the present time. When domestic water was not popular, each family had a tank to store well water, rainwater, or spring water. With the development of the tap water supply system, these water tanks were gradually replaced, many were discarded, others were used to grow lotus or raise ornamental fish.

Also in this context, special stories have attracted attention on social networks, related to a carp that has lived in a water tank for 10 years without being fed by anyone. What happened to make this fish survive for such a long time? This is a rare phenomenon, raising many questions about the biology and living conditions of carp.

1. Can carp live 10 years?

Picture 1 of Can carp live 10 years in a tank without feeding?
 This fish is famous for its strong vitality.

First of all, to answer this question, we need to understand the lifespan of carp. In the wild, carp can live from 10 to 15 years. This fish is famous for its strong vitality , especially in the wild, their lifespan can be up to 15 years if living conditions are favorable. Therefore, it is not too surprising biologically that a carp can live 10 years in a water tank.

However, the special thing about this story is that the carp survived for 10 years without being fed, which makes many people find it hard to believe. Did it survive because of some special ability, or did it really have food sources that no one noticed?

2. Carp habitat in water tank

An important factor to consider in this case is the habitat of the carp in the water tank. If you have ever been to the market, you may have seen fish tanks with aerators to provide oxygen to the fish. Just as land creatures need oxygen to breathe, fish in water also need oxygen to live, and they take oxygen from the water through their gills.

In natural conditions, if the number of fish in a small space is too large, the amount of oxygen in the water will not be enough to supply all of them, leading to the phenomenon of suffocation of the fish. Therefore, fish tanks in markets are often installed with aerators to supplement the necessary amount of oxygen.

In the case of the carp in the water tank, it is probably not necessary to use an aerator, because the water tank in the countryside has a large capacity, about 300-500 liters of water. According to calculations, a carp only needs about 4-5 mg of oxygen per liter of water to live, and with such a large capacity, the amount of oxygen in the tank is enough for it to survive without human intervention.

Picture 2 of Can carp live 10 years in a tank without feeding?
It is difficult to explain why fish do not need to be fed but still live.

3. Living conditions and food sources

One of the most surprising things is that a carp can live for 10 years without being fed. According to the law of conservation of energy, in order to survive, fish need to get energy through food. It is difficult to explain why a fish can live and even swim without being fed.

However, it is possible that during this time, the carp has received food from the surrounding environment without anyone noticing. The water in the tank may contain plankton, a type of tiny microorganism that lives in the water and provides nutrition for the fish. In addition, insects that fall into the tank can also become natural food for the carp.

This is also proven by the practice of raising fish in water tanks since ancient times. Some tea houses often raise carp in water tanks to test the water quality. When they see that the carp are still alive and healthy, they can rest assured that the water is clean and safe. Carp are often put into the tank without feeding, and it can still live on the natural nutrients available in the water .

The story of the carp that lived for a long time without eating also recalls the tradition of raising carp in rural wells. In some areas, people release carp into wells to help clean the water. The carp eat plankton and insects in the water, contributing to maintaining cleaner water quality.

In these cases, carp act as a "guardian" of the water source. If one day the fish die, people will realize that the water has been polluted and cannot be used anymore. This shows the strong vitality of carp in harsh conditions, and even without food provided from the outside, it can still maintain life.

Picture 3 of Can carp live 10 years in a tank without feeding?
In some areas, people release carp into wells to help clean the water.

4. Carp - Symbol of strong vitality

The story of a carp that lived for 10 years in a tank without being fed is not only a strange phenomenon but also a testament to the strong vitality of this fish species. Even after a long time without human intervention, carp can still survive thanks to the natural environment and the small amount of food they accidentally receive.

The strong survival ability of carp not only surprises us but also reveals many things about the relationship between organisms and their environment. In harsh natural conditions, this fish species has developed excellent adaptation mechanisms, helping them survive even in the most difficult environments.

The story of the carp in the pond in the countryside not only brings back old memories, but also reminds us of the resilience and amazing adaptability of nature. Even though time has passed, creatures like the carp still quietly exist, preserving and reflecting the strong vitality of the natural world around us.