Strange facts like ghost carp in Vietnam

The strange carp is called the ghost carp because it does not have scales. When it comes to cooking, it takes only flesh and bones to clean it, just like having a devil's hand stealing all the fish.

Ghost carp is actually a scaleless carp , also known as water carp, pearl chain fish originating from Europe. In the wild, this fish has been found in Van Long (Gia Vien, Ninh Binh), this fish often lives in deep caves throughout the year, the winter only swims out and only meets the edge of the Cu lagoon.

In addition to natural individuals, this fish breed is now also cultured by some farmers in Nam Sach, Hai Duong province, but it is still very rare.

Picture 1 of Strange facts like ghost carp in Vietnam
An individual carp ghost is brought to the farm for sale.(Image source: NNVN).

These ghost carp have a bright colored fish body, a muddy head, a round round mouth, a characteristic protruding eye that resembles other carp species, only characterized by no scales, or there is only one very strip Very little, very heavy to three pounds.

Carp does not scale very voracious, meat is judged to be delicious, sweet and crunchy like a pig's pig.

Carp, like its other variants, like glass carp (without scales, except for a large scale line that runs along the stem, originating in Germany), skin carp (without scales, except for the part near the fin backs) and carp scales, omnivorous fish and they eat almost everything when they swim across, including aquatic plants, insects, crustaceans (including zooplankton) or dead fish.

In some countries, due to the habit of scouring mud for hunting, carp is considered to be the cause of the destruction of underground vegetation as well as the destruction of the ecological environment of many waterfowl populations and native fish.