Can there be pure heterosexual friendship?

Can men and women exist 'pure friendship' ? A new study claims that the answer is yes , but the boys may be sexually attracted to their girlfriend rather than the opposite.

>>>Friendship helps us live longer

According to LiveScience, the number of male volunteers in the study acknowledged there was more " interest in it" with close girlfriends than similar recognition in female volunteers. Besides, men also tend to be confused about the degree of 'love' that female friends give them. In many cases, the sexual attraction within a friendship is more harmful than beneficial, it hinders friendship rather than cultivating that relationship.

Picture 1 of Can there be pure heterosexual friendship?
Men are more likely to be attracted to sex by their opposite sex friends?

'I think men and women really want to make friends, they really want to maintain mere friendship of the opposite sex. But the data collected still shows that sex appeal can creep between relationships, ' said April Bleske-Rechek, a researcher in psychology at the University of Wisconsin (USA). know.

Share on LiveScience, Bleske-Rechek affirmed: friendship is a very interesting field of study because it does not have obvious advantages in terms of reproduction and sex. Evolutionary psychologists often focus on 'sex' relationships and family relationships, because they assume that the evolved human species is to pass genes from generation to generation. But friends don't share this genetic connection.

Bleske-Rechek and her team are particularly interested in how the opposite sex buddies cope with the sex appeal that arises during the period of doing you. First, they gathered 88 pairs of students of the opposite sex of each other and asked volunteers to answer the questionnaire.

Students must answer questions about their friendship, including the level of attraction of their opponents in their eyes. The answers will be kept absolutely confidential to encourage volunteers to speak straight and tell the truth.

The results showed that male students who had girlfriends were still willing to be attracted to their girlfriends and didn't even hesitate to date that person. The female students who have boyfriends in fact also have the proportion of being attracted by the opposite sex with the female students 'alone' . However, the difference is that they always limit their dates. The number of female students said they dated their peers much less.

Another noteworthy point is that although all the volunteers rated positively about their heterosexual friendship, it was nearly the same when having to classify sex appeal into the 'okay' and 'lost' groups . it always falls into the second group.