Strange friendship between dogs and orangutans

Picture 1 of Strange friendship between dogs and orangutans

Suryia and Roscoe.Photo: Daily Mail.

A wild orangutan and dog met love at first sight when they saw each other at the reserve in South Carolina, USA, and since then they have been wrapped in tangerines.

Suryia orangutan and hound Roscoe first met two years ago when Roscoe followed the staff of the Institute for Conservation of Rare and Endangered Animals (TIGERS) in South Carolina.

Upon seeing Roscoe, Suryia rushes in and they start playing together. Bhagavan Antle, founder of TIGERS, said: "It is unusual for dogs to be afraid of primates but Roscoe and Suryia immediately become friends. We have announced to find Roscoe's owner but no one has received it. so it stays there ".

Roscoe and Suryia became so close that they swam together, played together and even Suryia took the Coscoe for a walk. Suryia also shared Coscoe's monkey cookies and when they both felt lazy, they liked to sit on the 27-year-old African elephant named Bubbles for a walk.

The intimacy of this couple attracted the attention of National Geographic magazine and the famous American host Oprah Winfrey will invite you to her special program called "Incredible Friendship in That animal world ".

Picture 2 of Strange friendship between dogs and orangutans

When you feel lazy, special friends ride elephants for a walk.Photo: Daily Mail.