Does the friendship between men and women exist?

Let's find answers to this eternal question in the following scientific studies.

We must be familiar with the drama series when a guy meets a girl, they become close friends and the guy who secretly loves his friend. However, then the girl has a lover and this makes the boy jealous and confesses to her true feelings. In the end, the girl realized that the one she loved was the best friend who had always been with her.

The filmmakers have exploited the idea that male and female friendship developed into such good love that we believe that all heterosexual relationships have similar developments.

According to Medical Daily, men and women have lived, worked and played together since they were children. That's why they always interact with each other.

Picture 1 of Does the friendship between men and women exist?
Men and women have lived, worked and played together since they were children.

In school, we tend to divide by gender because we like to play with people who act like us. By puberty, both sexes begin to see each other as potential "dating" partners and they don't really understand each other like friends.

Dr. Ildiko Tabori, a clinical psychologist in Los Angeles, USA, said: "When looking for heterosexual friends, we tend to be attracted to people with similar personalities and interests and can make them We want to spend more time with them We like the feeling that they bring when the two of them hang out and then this is synonymous with fun. important in the process of developing friendship ".

Likewise, these are the qualities we seek in our lovers so many people have questioned whether there is a simple friendship between men and women.

Science believes that pure male and female friendship exists. A study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships shows that the relationship between men and women is changing when they see each other as friends or confidants more than lovers.

Participants who do not see physical attraction to their friends often have significantly longer friendships than those who feel attractive from the opposite sex.

Picture 2 of Does the friendship between men and women exist?
In most of the heterosexual friendship, there is still a low level of attraction.

April Masini does not agree with this view and believes that in certain aspects of heterosexual friendship, a person will tend to generate romantic feelings with the other person.

"They can't just be friends and if they think they're like that, they will eventually have a crush on the other person."

A 2012 study found that in most heterosexual friendships there is still low level of attraction. Men said they were intrigued by their girlfriends and often had the desire to date them stronger than the women in the study.

Besides, men tend to overestimate the attraction of their female friends, while women underestimate their attraction.Researchers say that the more people who attract their friends, the less satisfied they will be with their current relationship.

In the evolutionary aspect, researchers believe that our mating instincts have a certain effect on whether we can really be just friends with the opposite sex. Genetically, men tend to be more attracted to women than women because they face the risk of rejection if they do not take advantage of the "advantages of different reproductive opportunities".

Attraction can also develop in heterosexual relationships due to the impact of repeated exposure. According to psychology, people begin to take less precautions over time, while their control disappears and they will begin to like the people they meet.

Experts share: "This is completely normal and happens to all of us".

So what happens when physical attraction exists in friendship?

When sexually attracted by someone who is often around us, we will have to make the right decision to solve the problem. This is where we need to set limits and maintain proper boundaries.

Picture 3 of Does the friendship between men and women exist?
Sustainability in heterosexual friendship depends heavily on how they communicate and respect each other.

A study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships shows that among more than 300 undergraduates surveyed, 67% said they had had sex with a friend. However, up to 56% of them chose not to approach love relations.

Sustainability in heterosexual friendship depends heavily on how they communicate and respect each other. Besides, they also have certain limitations that the enemy should not violate.

"In general, I think it is perfectly normal for us to see our opposite-sex friend attractive. However, it is important to have clear boundaries," commented psychologist John Mathews.

There will be men who can control their feelings with their opposite sex, there will be friends who used to be lovers and lovers who used to be friends. So there will also be people who don't think about having sex with their friends and those who support this view.

Men and women can form good friendships, but according to scientists " physical desire is always relevant in heterosexual relationships, is it just more or less".

Picture 4 of Does the friendship between men and women exist?
Men and women can absolutely become good friends, as long as they do not have a relationship between men and women.

The idea of ​​love with a long-time close friend often appears in movies or romantic novels and even in fairy tales. This inadvertently rekindled in us the hope of the same scenario, but in fact life is completely different. A heterosexual best friend would really be a better friend.

The bottom line is that men and women can absolutely become good friends, as long as they don't have a male-female relationship. Remember, confiding in a friend of the opposite sex about our past, present and future does not mean that the two are in love.

In heterosexual friendship, we want to make friends with people we can talk to with ease and without worrying about awkward moments. Therefore, if not for physical desires to overwhelm all, pure friendship between men and women can exist!