Shame moments want

Many witnesses said that female soldiers in China broke into some villages in the forest to search for men.

On October 2, American scientists announced the discovery of the oldest fossil skeleton of the human ancestor, Ardi, of the genus Ardipithecus ramidus, which is 4.4 million years

The top 10 smartest animals in the world below will make you surprised. People often say

The animal world still contains many secrets. However, these secrets may have been answered for a long time without our knowledge.

The dwarf chimp knows compliments when eating well, the dolphins know the name or the elephant knows Korean is what scientists are focusing on to prove that animals also have their

Kidogo's orangutan Kidogo lives at Krefeld Zoo, Germany, can walk while balancing on the rope like a professional circus actor.

Monkey species in general seem to be able to do addition operations. They plan, fight and restore peace. They can express empathy, sharing. That's why Duke University scientist

When fruits are scarce, orangutans (which are herbivores) switch to hunting other small primates to eat meat.

An orangutan in Malaysia often falls into a state of lethargy and anger if not smoked. So the authorities decided to force it from this unusual behavior.