5 'weird' facts will change your perception of the animal world

The animal world still contains many secrets. However, these secrets may have been answered for a long time without our knowledge. The facts below will help you verify this.

1. Dolphins - sleepless creatures

Unlike fish in the ocean, dolphins belong to the animal class, so they breathe by the lungs. Therefore, they cannot dive too deep and always need to climb up to the surface often to breathe.

So if the dolphins are always busy . when do they sleep, when they breathe?

Picture 1 of 5 'weird' facts will change your perception of the animal world
Not careful, dolphins also drowned.

The answer is that they do not sleep, because they "fall asleep" a little and the dolphins can drown (yes - the fish drowns).

The cause is also because the respiratory process of dolphins relies entirely on awareness , that is, they must think about that action every time. This is completely different from the automatic breathing mechanism of breathing fish species by gills or terrestrial animals.

Picture 2 of 5 'weird' facts will change your perception of the animal world
To sleep, dolphins will "turn off" one side of the brain hemisphere.

But if they don't sleep, how will they "charge" energy? It is thanks to a special mechanism of dolphins, which helps them "turn off" one side of the brain hemisphere, which is the system to stop the activity of each hemisphere brain to rest , thereby taking turns and sleeping . breathe. In this state, dolphins swim slower with the eyes connected to the hemisphere that has "closed the shift " closed.

2. Butterflies - "naturally like flies"

People say "naturally like flies" - referring to uninvited people, like flies always trying to buzz beside food.

However, perhaps we should change to "natural as . butterfly" , which is more suitable, because this is also a very innocent species.

Picture 3 of 5 'weird' facts will change your perception of the animal world
"Victims" suffer from the nature of butterflies, often turtles.

Why?The cause comes from their diet. Butterflies mainly eat nectar, but nectar does not provide enough salt - which is very important in reproduction and metabolism. So butterflies have to compensate for that gap by . ingesting the tears of another species.

Picture 4 of 5 'weird' facts will change your perception of the animal world
Sometimes they choose crocodiles to drink tears.

The species that butterflies choose to "tear up" is a turtle, because turtles are famous slowly. In addition, if " too much " , they will resort to . urine, sweaty clothes or even labor on people.

3. Soc also . anointing "perfume"

Unlike the "natural radioactive incense" mechanism of ferrets, the squirrel must create a special smell for self-defense. And to be truly fabulous, new squirrels make the body shine.

Picture 5 of 5 'weird' facts will change your perception of the animal world
"Perfume" of squirrels.

The squirrel was discovered chewing on the peeled skin of the rattlesnake and then licking its fur.

When they carry the smell of death of snakes, which species dare to touch? This mechanism is capable of protecting squirrels from predators, parasites and other "bear-headed" squirrels.

4. Crocodiles - "beautiful people" are not old

Crocodile has biological structure not aging with time . That means a crocodile will still be very agile and healthy despite 2 or 20 years old.

Due to this special point, alligators can be dubbed the "beauty of no age " among all animals.

Picture 6 of 5 'weird' facts will change your perception of the animal world
Crocodile has biological structure not aging with time.

In theory, just don't get hurt, crocodiles can live hundreds of years easily. However, these are really super . rare individuals. Although not dead, crocodiles also died from being hunted, for hunting the prey too hard as hippopotamus and especially because of starvation.

In fact, the bigger the crocodile, the more food it requires. They will starve when the actual amount of food does not meet their needs anymore.

5. Orangutans suffer from diseases like humans

Picture 7 of 5 'weird' facts will change your perception of the animal world
Even the tough joke of humans is expensive!

Human animal disease is not uncommon, but orangutans are more special: they can be infected almost all human diseases. From flu to HIV - they can all be infected.

Even even dental diseases such as periodontal disease (the disease that organizes teeth causes abnormal tooth loss), they can also be acquired.