Cancer drugs from proteins found in human milk

A group of Singaporean and Swedish scientists are focusing on studying an artificial molecule capable of killing cancer cells without affecting other healthy cells such as chemotherapy and radiation. The current.

Picture 1 of Cancer drugs from proteins found in human milk

The artificial molecule, based on a natural protein found in human milk, is able to kill cancer cells when surrounded by a liquid.

This liquid is organic molecules, such as amino acids or hydrates, which help store energy and form biofilms.

This protein-fluid combination, called HAMLET cells for short , was first discovered by the team at Sweden's Lund University.

Test results on mice by a research group from the Indonesian Technological University of Singapore and Lund University later showed that HAMLET has limited the development of colon cancer cells.

If the upcoming clinical trials in Singapore are successful, the team hopes to be able to develop a cancer cure in the next 5-10 years.