Capture the most distant object in the universe
International astronomers have just taken the most distant object image ever seen in the universe - a giant beam of energy radiation of a dying star located 13 billion light-years from Earth.
Photo: NASA
The gamma ray explosion bears the number GRB 090423, lasting 10 seconds and was first discovered by the Swift satellite of the US National Aeronautics Agency (NASA) on April 23. After the Swift recorded the initial X-ray and gamma ray burst, the infrared telescopes mounted in Hawaii immediately turned toward the explosion and observed the fading of infrared light. Other telescopes around the world also quickly aimed at the same direction and confirmed the event.
Scientists believe that the cause of the explosion is due to a giant star exploding to end life, leaving a black hole in the universe. According to Dr. Nial Tanvir of Leicestor University, this is the farthest gamma-ray explosion ever and the star is the farthest object in the universe.
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