Discover a large ocean never seen in the universe

According to information published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, Astrophysical Journal Letters on March 7, astronomers have recently discovered a large ocean that has never been seen in the universe, attached to the standard APM 08279 +5255.

Picture 1 of Discover a large ocean never seen in the universe
Quasars are the brightest and most distant objects in the universe.(Illustration).

The astronomer's new discovery shows around the APM 08279 + 5255 quasar with a casing containing 140,000 billion times more water than Earth's mass.

Quasars on our planet 12 billion light-years away and the largest source of energy in the universe, with 65,000 times more radiation than the Milky Way's radiation.

Quasar - the brightest and most distant objects in the universe. Astronomers believe that quasars are produced by a super-heavy black hole (about 1 billion times the weight of the Sun) consuming matter in a disk of spiral material.

Before the information on the new discovery, the scientific community has just made a vague judgment about the existence of liquid water and oceans of extraterrestrial planets, such as Uranus. , Neptune.