Cat Tien is recognized as a biosphere area in the world

The Management Board of Dong Nai Nature and Cultural Reserve today said that UNESCO has just officially announced Cat Tien as a world biosphere reserve.

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Picture 1 of Cat Tien is recognized as a biosphere area in the world
Cat Tien National Park. (Photo: Baodatviet).

According to this announcement, UNESCO has just upgraded the name of Cat Tien Biosphere Reserve to become Dong Nai Biosphere Reserve and recognized as the Biosphere Reserve of the World.

Cat Tien primeval forest has about 1,700 rare and precious plant species such as: typing, tracing, hybrid and more than 700 rare and precious species of animals and birds, many of which are rare and precious, most of them are in the book Red as Rhino one horn, peacock, pheasant, ostrich.

Cai Tien primary forest is home to 11 ethnic groups. This is a model of multi-purpose conservation - a model of sustainable development that harmonizes people and nature based on the biodiversity and cultural diversity maintained from ancient times of ethnic minorities. Few people, traditionally preserved customs and habits are associated with biodiversity conservation.

Cat Tien National Park is the seventh biosphere reserve in 8 biosphere reserves of Vietnam, which is certified by UNESCO.