Cats glow in the night

Korean scientists have created fluorescently modified cats in the body, to find ways to treat genetic diseases in humans. This has caused cats to glow in the dark when exposed to ultraviolet rays.

The scientific team led by Kong Il-keun, a humanitarian expert at Gyeongsang National University, created three cats that possessed modified fluorescent genes (RFP).

" This is the first time in the world that the cat with the RFP gene has been cloned, " the group said. " The ability to create cloned cats with mutated genes is important because it will be used to find ways to treat genetic diseases in humans ."

This technique can also be used to duplicate rare animals such as tigers, leopards, wild cats, Kong said.

Picture 1 of Cats glow in the night Picture 2 of Cats glow in the night
(Photo: AFP / Getty Images)