Cell phone powered by ... hydrogen

French researchers claim to have invented a hydrogen fuel cell for mobile phones, which helps users not rely on current battery power.

Picture 1 of Cell phone powered by ... hydrogen

(Photo: Reuters)

"Once mature, this technology will be used to produce backup batteries for mobile phones,"

experts from CEW Atomic Energy Commission said. "This tiny fuel cell uses liquid hydrogen tubes - about the size of a small lighter."

By design, users can easily fit the battery inside a pocket or waist bag. This is the cooperation between CEW and STMicroelectronics chip company. However, the hydrogen tube loosened due to Bic, a company that produces pens, lighters and razors.

CEW hopes the new invention will open the future for "hybrid" cell phones: first, it "sucks" energy from conventional rechargeable batteries. After that, in necessary cases, the machine will be used for fuel cells.

Each Hydrogen tube is equivalent to 3-5 times the recharge of traditional batteries. If nothing changes, the product will hit the market in early 2010.