The bike is powered by hydrogen

Bicycle makers have launched a new eco-friendly product: a hydrogen-powered bicycle. The car - introduced at an international fair opening September 5 in Shanghai (China) - includes a battery compartment and two hydrogen gas cylinders that form an energy production system.

The company said it had completed its product last month and has received orders from domestic and foreign customers.

Picture 1 of The bike is powered by hydrogen

With two full gas cylinders, the car can travel 100 km at 25 km / h. (Photo: Fuelcellsworks)

'Most of the buyers today are individuals who want to use clean energy products , ' explains Tian Binglun, general manager of the company. 'With hydrogen, this battery generates energy to operate the car. It does not emit harmful gases but only produces some water. '

This fuel-efficient car also has 30 minutes of recharging compared to at least 3 hours to charge an electric bicycle battery.

The entire power generation system, including the battery compartment and the gas tank, is half the size of a conventional electric bicycle. "We can make the system lighter by using other materials to make the battery compartment," Tian said.

The price of this particular car is about 20,000 yuan ($ 2,632), but can be reduced to 4,000 yuan if mass-produced - much cheaper than other electric bikes. . Manufacturers say they will improve their technology to produce more non-polluting products, such as lightweight hydrogen-powered motorcycles.