Cherry blossom father, son also love

Like father Like Son. Sexy fathers will also give birth to sexy boys. It happens in the animal world as well as in humans.

In animals, males often have flashy performances to attract females - from the melody of the handset to the colorful tail of the peacock. Researchers have long argued that charming fathers also produce attractive males, but there is not enough evidence.

Picture 1 of Cherry blossom father, son also love (Photo: Hawaiipictures) To find out whether the attractiveness is genetic, researchers in the UK have focused on Drosophila simulans fruit flies. Male flies can only be close to children when they are attractive enough in her eyes.

First, scientists put male flies and flies into one place. They found a time for them to have sex with each other lasting from 2 minutes to 2 hours. The speed at which the show occurred proved the attractiveness of the male.

After each male has sex with 3 offspring, their offspring are paired with another female. The time period for them to stick together continues to be noted. The group found attractive father flies, it was true that they gave birth to attractive boys.

" It is possible that attraction is also inherited in all other animals. In humans, the most charismatic fathers also give birth to the most charming sons ," study author David Hosken at the University. Exerter, England, said.