China analyzes DNA from blood to identify criminals

Only by analyzing blood samples can scientists reconstruct the suspect's face.

According to the New York Times, Chinese scientists are using blood samples to recreate human faces. This experimental technology is called ' D NA phenotype ' and is in the early stages of development.

However, a New York Times source said Chinese researchers were able to create close-up images of people's faces, enough to narrow the scope of the investigation or remove unsuitable people from the list. suspect.

With this technology, the researchers analyze the genes that determine the identity, including skin color, eye color, gender and race. This allows scientists to develop a hypothetical image of a scientific nature.

Picture 1 of China analyzes DNA from blood to identify criminals
A person's face can be recreated by DNA analysis.(Photo: NY Times).

However, DNA cannot reveal details such as the suspect's age and weight. In addition to China, several US research groups are also developing similar technology.

Currently, China owns the largest DNA data bank in the world. China's database has about 80 million records, as of July 2019. Over the years, China has strongly developed facial recognition technology to serve the citizen credit scoring system.

Drawing someone's face based solely on DNA samples sounds like a sci-fi movie. In fact it can be done.

In 2018, Maryland police (USA) used this technology to identify a victim. In 2015, North Carolina police arrested a man and two accomplices after DNA analysis showed the murderer had white skin, conflicting eyes or hazel, dark hair and freckles. The man later pleaded guilty.

  1. DNA analysis: Revealing the culprit
  2. New DNA analysis technology promises to shorten the time to solve the case