China causes serious oil spill to the east bay

An oil leak in the east coast of China, seriously and permanently affecting the environment, causing direct damage to the fisheries sector around the area, occurring from the beginning or mid-June. , but hidden for weeks, has been reported by the national press on July 1.

Picture 1 of China causes serious oil spill to the east bay
A worker 's feet were covered with crude oil spilled in a northeastern province of China.

A series of dead seaweed and rotting fish can be found in the waters around Nanhuancheng Island, Shandong Province, near the oil leak site, China Daily reported.

Nanhuangcheng Island is about 75km from the oil spill offshore Bohai Bay.

" This oil leak causes long-term environmental impact ," said a fisheries industry official, Xiao, in the press.

" Oil spill will definitely affect the surrounding fishing industry ," Xiao said, adding that they are assessing the size of the impact.

Meanwhile, China National Oil Corporation CNOOC has tried to prevent people from resentment over their failure to warn the public about the oil spill. They said the government officials knew the facts from the beginning.

'We have reported to government agencies right after the leak and we are monitoring oil spill handling, ' CNOOC representative Jiang Yongzhi told the Global Times.

However, the press affirmed: the new oil spill only spread out at a small scale later developed into a 3-kilometer long and 30-meter-wide "oil range " larger than what CNOOC agencies reported.

The first to warn about the oil leak is actually a civilian; The citizen warned via a popular small blog (micro-blogging site) portal called Sina Weibo of the government, on June 21.

Nine days later, CNOOC announced that US oil company ConocoPhillips, the operator of Penglai 19-3 oil field, which started oil leaks, reported having oil on the sea surface for the first time. or mid-June , 'according to China Daily.

CNOOC said that the current cleaning of the oil was nearing its end and they had controlled the leak.