China tightens management of scientific research

China has just announced a number of new regulations for judging fraud in scientific research. Accordingly, scientists who are found to steal research, information or " disgraceful behaviors " will be banned from participating in state-funded projects for life.

Those who are investigated if they intentionally hide, destroy information, or interfere with the investigation work will also be punished while the money granted for the study will be revoked.

Deputy Minister of Science Shang Yong said that the new regulations coming into effect early next year will help rebuild trust in the scientific community.

In May, Shanghai Jiaotong University dismissed Chenjin, the dean of the school, for lying that he designed a new computer chip. Earlier, there was an open letter from a group of 120 scientists working in the US that required more stringent measures to control misconduct in scientific research in China. President Hu Jintao, a former engineer, also said that China needs to pour more resources into scientific research to avoid becoming a tiny person in the field of technology development.

Picture 1 of China tightens management of scientific research
Mr. Chenjin was removed from office because he was creative
new chip types (Photo: China Broadcast, TTO)