China's moon self-propelled car crashed

The self-propelled rabbit Ngoc Ngoc performs the task of exploring and researching the Moon recently having trouble controlling machines, after more than a month on this satellite.

>>>The self-propelled Rabbit Ngoc robot 'tastes' the Moon land

The Department of Science, Technology and Defense of China (SASTIND) said an unusual incident occurred with the self-propelled rabbit Ngoc because the environment on the surface of the moon was complicated.

Picture 1 of China's moon self-propelled car crashed
Self-propelled Car Ngoc on the moon surface.(Photo: AP)

After discovering the incident, the scientists are taking corrective measures to Ngoc Ngoc to continue the journey, but do not disclose more details. The SASTIND website also does not cover the incident.

Xinhua said the incident with a self-propelled vehicle is considered a step backwards in China's ambitious space research program.

Self-propelled vehicles Ngoc began to perform the task of studying the moon on December 15, hours after the Hang Nga 3 ship landed here.

Ngoc Rabbit is a self-propelled vehicle with 6 wheels, equipped with 4 cameras and two mechanical legs, can collect soil samples on the moon to serve the research. The self-propelled car is yellow, operating on solar energy. It can climb at a slope of 30 degrees and move at 200m / h. The Jade Rabbit will perform the task of exploring the moon for at least three months.

The mission to explore the moon is considered a great pride for China, when it became the third country in the world, after the US and the Soviet Union, bringing self-propelled devices to the moon.