Chinese telescopes can detect signs of a solar storm

CLST with a aperture of 1.8m has captured the image of the Sun's surface in detail, showing that this optical device can detect warning signs when a solar storm is approaching.

China's Large Solar Telescope (CLST) has recently captured images of the Sun's surface in detail.

This shows that this optical device can detect warning signs when a solar storm is about to occur.

Picture 1 of Chinese telescopes can detect signs of a solar storm
This device can detect warning signs when a solar storm is about to occur. (Illustration). 

CLST has a aperture of 1.8m, developed by the Institute of Optics and Electronics under the auspices of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This Sun Telescope captured the first series of high-resolution images of the Sun's atmosphere on December 10, 2019.

Solar Storm is the source of space weather disasters, which can lead to communication disruptions, large-scale power outages, incidents in information security and damage to spacecraft.

Electromagnetic radiation and solar proton events formed by solar storms can travel towards Earth at the speed of light or or near the speed of light. Therefore, solar storm warnings are considered to be of utmost importance to minimize the damage caused by this phenomenon.

In late April 2020, a research team in Chengdu, southwest of China's Sichuan province, used a telescope to observe the active regions of the Sun and obtain high-resolution data of Sun's atmosphere for over an hour.

According to the scientists, "this 1.8m aperture Sun telescope can detect solar storm warning signs as soon as possible, providing strong data support for Face storm warnings. sun and the study of solar physics ".

The scientists said that when the operation solar energy increasingly often, the weather in space becomes more serious.

In the future, the Sun telescope, equipped with magnetic field detection and velocity field detection systems, will contribute more to the high resolution detection of the Sun's atmosphere. Many countries have stepped up efforts to build 2m and larger Sun telescopes in recent years.

Large solar telescopes around the world currently include GST 1.6m in the US and GREGOR 1.5m in Germany. In addition, the US 4-meter DKIST Sun Telescope has not yet been put into operation, the 4-meter EST is being designed and started by Europe.

Prior to CLST, the largest Sun telescope in China was the new 1m Sun Vacuum Telescope , developed by the Yunnan Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.