Clock against rape

The New Delhi government said it was studying a type of watch equipped with GPS and camera as a new weapon that could help repel rape of Indian society.

The plan was put in place after recent collective rapes that angered Indian public opinion, leading to nationwide protests calling for tightening the law to punish the wicked.

Picture 1 of Clock against rape
Collective rapes have created a wave of protests across India - (Photo: AFP)

As a project implemented by the Modern Computer Development Center, the watch can be used to alert authorities and relatives in case the wearer feels threatened, according to the BBC.

The Global Positioning System (GPS) will accurately position the wearer when the button is activated and send an emergency message to the nearest police station or a selected relative in the send list.

Meanwhile, the camera on the watch can record videos up to 30 minutes in length, according to government officials.

The New Delhi government is in talks with ITI Ltd., a telecommunications technology provider. about anti-forced watchmaking, and is expected to be available in the middle of the year for between $ 20 and $ 50.