Close to the radiation water crisis in Fukushima

About 300 tons of highly contaminated radioactive water leaked from a reservoir in the Fukushima No. nuclear power plant area. 1. This incident has caused Japan to raise the warning of radioactive leakage to "serious" level.

>>>300 tons of contaminated water leaked out

According to Japan Times, Tokyo Electric Power Company Tepco said no water was used to cool down the fuel rods of high-reactive and nuclear reactors that flow directly into the Pacific Ocean. However, there may be some water infiltrated into the soil and entered with contaminated groundwater flowing into the sea. Earlier, TEPCO also acknowledged concerns about long-term, contaminated water will follow underground water flowing into the sea.

Picture 1 of Close to the radiation water crisis in Fukushima
Contaminated water leaks.TEPCO said that contaminated water has not yet reached the sea

Picture 2 of Close to the radiation water crisis in Fukushima
Fukushima factory workers are inspecting contaminated water tanks.Each tank is about 11m high, containing 1000 tons of wastewater

Picture 3 of Close to the radiation water crisis in Fukushima
There are more than 1 thousand wastewater tanks in Fukushima nuclear power plant

Picture 4 of Close to the radiation water crisis in Fukushima
A worker is working in the contaminated water tank area.There are more than 1 thousand wastewater tanks in Fukushima nuclear power plant.TEPCO currently uses up to 85% of the capacity of these tanks and continues to build more tanks.

Contaminated water tank. Although it is made of solid steel or casted concrete, radioactive water can still be lost through the road to the ground and follow the flow of groundwater to the sea.

Picture 5 of Close to the radiation water crisis in Fukushima
Image of Fukushima nuclear power plant with cooling water tank "field" bar nuclear reactor fuel

Picture 6 of Close to the radiation water crisis in Fukushima
Here is a picture of two nuclear reactors of the Fukushima power plant destroyed in the earthquake and tsunami in March 2011.

Leaked water is determined from a 11m high tank and can hold up to 1000 tons of wastewater. The country has a very high level of radioactive contamination, with a level of 80 million Beces / liter (Becreren is the unit of radioactivity intensity), meaning it exceeds 8 million times the limit for drinking water in Japan. Only 4 tons of water has been recovered so far.

Tepco said on Tuesday this week the water level in the No. 5 tank had fallen by 3 meters, meaning that about 300 tons of contaminated water had disappeared out of a total of 1,000 tons of water. From Monday to Tuesday, about 10 tons were lost, meaning that the amount of 300 tons of water lost could happen every day for 30 days.

TEPCO has hurriedly built more than 1,000 giant water tanks on the ground to store rising cooling water. They have to pump water to cool the melted nuclear fuel inside reactors that were damaged by the earthquake and tsunami that took place in March 2011.

Of the more than 1,000 tanks, 350 are temporary tanks that are expected to be replaced or repaired every 5 years.

Since 2011, there have been 5 major radioactive water leaks in Fukushima. All contaminated water leaks are from temporary tanks. The cause of the third leak so far has not been determined, but TEPCO said it has used temporary storage tanks for about 2 years (December 12, 2011).

A temporary tank can be built and installed in just over a week. Although Tepco admitted that the steel tank was stronger, they still plan to set up a temporary tank to contain contaminated water in the plant.