Close up of the world's most multifaceted creature

The world's most legally record creature even has more anomalies than its "massive" footprints, according to a new study.

Picture 1 of Close up of the world's most multifaceted creature
The lllacme plenipes are only about 1 - 3cm long, looks like
a white thread clings to the sandstone rocks close to
wet ground or deep eating 10 - 15cm to the ground. (Photo: Live Science)

Scientists have awarded championship titles in the animal world to a tiny species of polyhedra (750 feet in total), white is called science lllacme plenipes . This creature is currently found only in a small area in northern California, USA. They amaze the researchers with an unusually complex body structure in such a small body, with a length of just 1 - 3cm.

"It is basically lllacme plenipes that look like a thread ," said Paul Marek, an insect researcher from the University of Arizona, USA. "Does this creature possess an appearance?" What is interesting, but when looking under an electron microscope, we discovered an incredibly complex and incredible body structure. "

Picture 2 of Close up of the world's most multifaceted creature
Close up of dense foot system of lllacme plenipes. This creature is present
Keep the record for the most legged in the world with a total of 750 feet. (Photo: Live Science)

Among the world's most peculiar "strange" things, both their back feathers produce things that look like silk and a mouth formed in the most primitive form. The researchers also investigated the genetic sequence structure called cytochrome c oxidase I, which gives lllacme plenipes a unique DNA identification trait.

Scientists knew the first multi-legged species in 1928. Following the rediscovery of lllacme plenipes in 2006, Marek and his colleagues came from Hampden-Sydney College and Auburn University. opened a new study to better understand these bizarre creatures.

The team found tiny miniatures clinging to sandstone rocks near the wet or deep ground 10 - 15cm to the ground. Their residence is limited to an area of ​​4.5 km 2 of oak and shrub forest near Oakland and Berkeley, California, USA.

Picture 3 of Close up of the world's most multifaceted creature

Picture 4 of Close up of the world's most multifaceted creature
After the earthworm, lllacme plenipes ranked second in its ability to decompose dead plants,
facilitate bacteria and fungi to absorb these organic materials. (Photo: Live Science)

Marek's research continued from the identification of the physical characteristics of the lllacme plenipes, and then collected more data on the molecular, behavioral and reconstruction of ecologic regions, where this species has can exist.

The strange thing about lllacme plenipes does not stop at an unusual body structure. Scientists discovered that their closest relatives live in Africa. This fact has led to the speculation that polyploids could have grown throughout the supercontinent Pangea, which covers almost all continents on Earth and began separating about 200 million years ago, before narrowing down the population when California and South Africa split.

The team determined that lllacme plenipes is currently threatened by humans who have started reclaiming the area and the global climate change has evaporated the fog that maintains moisture suitable for the environment of them.

In terms of biological roles, these multi-legged organisms ranked second after earthworms in their ability to decompose dead plant matter, enabling bacteria and fungi to absorb these organic materials. lllacme plenipes are now awarded the title of the world's most legacy, but according to Marek, their "throne" may shake when scientists learn more about the tropical biology world.