Colombian boy goes out, finds fossil 90 million years old

Scientists are trying to find contact with the boy again to reward for their outstanding achievements.

The Rio Santiago Dolmetsch , 10 years old, was on a tour and discovered the La Candelaria monastery in Colombia in 2015. Here, Rio accidentally saw a strange rock with a fish fossil.

Picture 1 of Colombian boy goes out, finds fossil 90 million years old
The 90 million-year-old fossil fish fossil.

After asking the experts at the local museum, Rio was surprised to learn that this is a fossil over 90 million years old. In addition, this is also found in Colombia.

This marine animal is completely extinct and there is no 'distant relative '. They are like barracuda with long jaws and short stems. Scientists from the University of Alberta in Canada also came to Colombia and analyzed fossil samples. Author Javier Luque said: 'The museum staff gave us photos that Rio made. When we saw it, we were very surprised. '

Currently, museum staff cannot contact Rio despite the boy's name and mail address. The team of scientists is trying to get back to Rio to give this honor to him for helping find a precious fossil.

Picture 2 of Colombian boy goes out, finds fossil 90 million years old
Photo simulating lizard fish.

Dr. Luque said: 'We look forward to sending Rio a fossil study article and thank him directly for his great discovery'.

Lizard fish live 90 million years ago and eat floating crustaceans. Their flattened bodies help lizard fish move easily under strong sea currents. Experts say they can swim a long distance when they need to migrate.