Computer, flexible phone like rubber?

By creating circuit boards and flexible microprocessors, scientists are coming closer to creating a flexible phone like rubber.

Picture 1 of Computer, flexible phone like rubber?

Electronic products such as phones and computers that are flexible are not new, but because the circuit board is still made of hard substances, that dream cannot be realized. However, with the introduction of flexible plastic processors, things are coming very close. Researchers in Europe, in particular the IMEC Belgium nanotechnology center, used 4000 transistors made of organic and plastic to create a flexible processing chip, about 2 centimeters in size, including one gold electrode layer at the top and then the plastic insulation layer. Just like that and finally the semiconductor layer is made of 4000 organic transistor balls.

Although currently, this type of processor can only solve simple 16-instruction programs, the speed is about 6Hz, can not be compared with the current computer but it still proves the potential of similarity. hybrid Currently, scientists are still trying to handle the process of combining microprocessor and organic memory. In the future, owning ' bendable ' phones or computers will certainly not be impossible.