Consumption of cosmic energy is 30 times more than expected

According to foreign sources, cars continue to be fueled and fuel of the star clusters will eventually run out, leading to the situation that they will likely explode and become black holes.

Picture 1 of Consumption of cosmic energy is 30 times more than expected

Photo: ScienceDaily.

The universe and all the matter in the universe are gradually consuming energy. Recently, Australian scientists have discovered that the rate of energy consumption of the universe is 30 times faster than expected, the entropy of the universe will tend to increase.

Dr. Chas Egan and Dr. Charles Lineweaver of the Institute of Astrophysics and Astronomical Studies, the recent Australian National University, calculated the entropy of the universe. It is known that the calculation of the universe's entropy is aimed at understanding the efficiency of the engine, the fuel's efficiency and the turbulence of a system after the fuel has been used up.

Through the latest data analysis of the magnitude of the small and large number of black holes in the universe, scientists have discovered that the universe contains 30 times more entropy than expected.

According to Dr. Chas Egan: 'The universe begins with the state of a low-level entropy. Based on the second law of thermodynamics, entropy is constantly increasing starting at that time. This is very important, because the amount of energy that organisms in the universe have is determined by the value of entropy in the universe. To know how much energy in the universe can finally have and where it comes from, the first step we have to solve is to identify entropy in the universe. And this is what we can do now. '

The results of scientists' research have important implications for life on Earth's extraterrestrial life.